On 7/24/19 1:42 PM, Souvik Bhattacherjee wrote:
> The duplicate elimination is being handled by ON CONFLICT or some custom
> process in the code generating the transactions?
Yes, we used ON CONFLICT for that. Thanks btw.
> If the transactions are being created from a single app/script could you
> not just use 'timing' to mark the beginning of the transactions and the
> end and record that somewhere(db table and/or file)?
So did you mean to say that I need to get the timestamps of the
of the txn since \timing only produces elapsed time? Surely that would
solve the
problem but I'm not sure how to get that done in Postgres.
I wanted to check to see if there are simpler ways to get this done in
before trying out something similar to Rob's suggestion or yours.
Well it depends on the part you have not filled in, what client(s) you
are using and how the transactions are being generated?
Adrian Klaver