Anyone with a test scripts or link to an example of bi-directional master using 
pglogical. ?
I am led to believe from the documentation that this should be possible. (?)
"Limited multi-master support with conflict resolution exists, but mutual 
replication connections must be added individually"
Which is left unexplained. 
Environment:  FreeBSD11.3,  Postgres 11.2,  pglogical 2.2.1
Pglogical installed on both hosts.
pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf options adjusted per recommendations.

Using pglogical I  have set up a one way replication between hosts for a  table 
successfully, but cannot succeed in the admin of the reverse subscription.

On attempting the reverse subscription from host1 to host2

select pglogical.create_subscription('alabama_sub', 
'host=alabama port=5432 dbname=ace_db user=replicator',
'{connections}', false, false, '{}' )

could not connect to the postgresql server: FATAL:  role "pgsql" does not exist
DETAIL:  dsn was:  host=georgia port=5432 dbname=ace_db

Wrong dsn and role ?
The  postgres installed superuser role is not pgsql.
I did  not see this issue in the working subscription direction.

Anyone with a test scripts or link to an example of bi-directional master using 
pglogical or a suggestion as
to where I went wrong on the setup.

Best Regards


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