Hi team,

Can you please suggest what will be  the suitable memory settings for 
Postgresql11 if we have 80gb RAM, 16 CPU's and OS  Linux.

If we set 25 % of total RAM then shared_buffers value will be 20GB. Will it be 
useful or we can set it any random vale like 8g or 12gb.

According to https://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/#/
below are the suggested memory  values for 80gb RAM and 16 CPU.  I assume the 
values preferred for effective_cache_size = 60GB and shared_buffers = 20GB are 
too large.

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 20GB
effective_cache_size = 60GB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.7
wal_buffers = 16MB
default_statistics_target = 100
random_page_cost = 1.1
effective_io_concurrency = 300
work_mem = 6553kB
min_wal_size = 1GB
max_wal_size = 2GB
max_worker_processes = 16
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 8
max_parallel_workers = 16

Please give your suggestions.


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