
On 25/06/2019 00:25, David Gauthier wrote:
> I've been poking
> around 
> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Community_Guide_to_PostgreSQL_GUI_Tools to
> see if there is anything that can read PG metadata in and display it
> graphically in a gui.  You know, the kind of picture that is 1 block per
> table with 1->many arrows connecting up the primary/foreign keys of
> different tables.  SQL Power Architect looked promising, but fails to do
> the linkage for some PK-FK relationships (buggy?) .   
> Any suggestions on what might do this?  

Have you tried pgModeler[1]? The current limitation is that stable
version works only up to PostgreSQL 10, as far as I know. But it is
actively maintained, and I guess that support for PostgreSQL 11/12 is
available in the beta build, which means it will be available soon.

[1]: http://www.pgmodeler.io/

Jakub Olczyk

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