
At Fri, 17 May 2019 11:04:58 +0300, ayaho...@ibagroup.eu wrote in 
> Can frequent database operations cause getting a standby server behind? Is 
> there a way to avoid this situation?
> I checked that walsender works well in my test  if I set 
> wal_sender_timeout at least to 5 second.

It depends on the transaction (WAL) traffic and the bandwidth of
your network. The performacne difference between master and
standby also affects.

The possibilities I can guess are:

- The bandwidth is narrow to the traffic.

- The standby performs poorer than the master.

- Your network is having a sort of trouble. Virtual network
  (local network in a virtual environment) tends to suffer
  network troubles caused by CPU saturation or something else.


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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