Not exactly sure how much coding you are interested in doing.I use access and 
Libre Base to prototype data entry from time to time.Been pretty happy with 
Lazarus lately. A free Delphi/Pascal IDE, that runs x-platform.You can put 
stuff together pretty quickly.Best
-------- Original message --------From: Tony Shelver <> Date: 
5/23/19  2:52 AM  (GMT-08:00) To: Stefan Keller <> Cc: 
pgsql-general <> Subject: Re: Data entry / data 
editing tools (more end-user focus). 
I looked at quite a few options.   Some constraints on my side that our 
direction is open source, with Linux development and servers.Radzen is .NET:  I 
could just as well use MS Access to cobble together a front end.
CUBA and OpenXava are Java based and seem to require writing Java for logic: I 
last used nearly 20 years ago and 'fast' development and Java IMHO is an 
Aurelia looks a bit promising, but I am not sure if it gains anything over the 
current crop of JS libraries and frameworks, such as Vue, React et al, and then 
libraries / frameworks built on top of those such as  Nuxt / Vue, Quasar / Vue 
or Vuetify / Vue, which seem to have far more activity on Github.
I managed to set up a quick and dirty front end using LibreOffice Base over a 
weekend, next iteration i will probably move over to a Vue framework, probably 
using Quasar..

On Sat, 18 May 2019 at 00:26, Stefan Keller <> wrote:
Dear all

What about following „Rapid App Development Tools"?

* OpenXava (Java):

* Radzen (.NET):

* Other: (JS) or CUBA (Java)


Am Do., 28. März 2019 um 15:39 Uhr schrieb Adrian Klaver



> On 3/27/19 11:49 PM, Tony Shelver wrote:


> Please reply to list also, more eyes on the the problem.

> Ccing list


> My take on below is since you are feeding a Website why not use Web

> technologies for your data entry. My language of choice is Python. I

> have done something similar to this(on small scale) using the Django

> framework. For something lighter weight there is Flask. Then your client

> becomes a browser and you do not have to distribute forms around. You

> could integrate with the existing Web apps you are using e.g. SnipCart.



> > Actually I found a possibility.  LibreOffice Base on top of PG lets me

> > paste photos into a Postgresql bytea field no problem.  MS Access should

> > work well also, but I am not going to buy it, and running Ubuntu most of

> > the time.

> > Possibly will distribute the Base forms to select users to enter data.

> > We are a startup company, so this is an affordable temporary fix, until

> > the product I have been looking at matures, or we can roll our own.

> >

> > We are building a company website, including an eStore, and have a few

> > hundred products to load and maintain. Our product data currently isn't

> > suitable for a sales catalog.

> > (Brands, categories, products, pricing and deal info, specials, images,

> > product comparisons and so on).

> >

> > Right now I input / maintain this via CSV files maintained through a

> > spreadsheet  (LibreOffice Calc) which our site generator (Jekyll) uses

> > to build out the static HTML product [pages automatically.

> > This is really quick to enter basic data, but I have to manually

> > maintain image uploads, image names and so on manually in the

> > spreadsheet and through individual file uploads. We have at least one,

> > preferably 3 and up to 6 photos per product to maintain.  Call it a 1000

> > images right now, and that will only go up.

> > Invalid text / characters in product descriptions and so on can break

> > the CSV as well.

> >

> > There are headless CMS solutions out on the market targeting this same

> > area, but for various reasons the suitable ones are still maturing and

> > shaking out in the marketplace, so I am not in a hurry to make a choice.

> >

> > So the goal is to replace CSV with JSON file input.  This will also make

> > my life easier for more complex structures such as multiple categories

> > and specs per product.

> > I also want to migrate text that can change from the HTML pages into the

> > database for easier changes by end users. For this the users could use

> > a WYSIWIG MarkDown editor, and just cut and past the MarkDown into Base

> > forms when finished.  This will be converted to HTML at build time by

> > Jekyll static site generator or a script.

> >

> > So the proposed solution:

> > 1. Create the database in Postgresql.

> > 2. Link Base or other tool to it and design input forms where necessary

> >

> > 3. Enter the data through Base into PG including images, MarkDown / HTML

> > text, long descriptions and so on.

> > 3a. If I don't get a suitable CMS going, I could spend some time

> > developing a Vue/Quasar/Nuxt whatever front end to handle this, in

> > several months time.

> >

> > 4. Pull the data from Postgres using Python (Psycopg2 will handle

> > images). Or a node.js app once my JS skills improve.

> > 4A: optionally use PostgREST, Postgraphile, Pytone Graphene or other to

> > create an externally accessible API, and then use Python or javascript

> > module to pull the data out.

> >

> > 5. This program will then write the JSON product file to the website

> > data source directory with image tags, and upload the files to the image

> > store.  Also create product item HTML page templates or or modify HTML

> > content where necessary.

> > 6. At this stage the Jekyll static site generator will detect the new

> > JSON data and any changed pages, and regenerate all changed pages, move

> > images and so on.

> >

> > 7. Git commit will push the generated site to Github, and Git will then

> > send everything to our CDN.

> >

> > There is no traditional web server / app server / db server setup as you

> > would find for most websites using, for example, Wordpress, Magento

> > commerce or other tools.  Just the CDN.

> >

> > Everything is static HTML and some javascript.  Because there is no

> > backend system, database or anything else at run time,just when

> > generating the site,  I am not concerned about performance except at

> > site build time, which will not happen that often.  All the SEO data

> > (w3schema / Google, OG / Facebook and Twitter cards) is automatically

> > built into the templates and fleshed out by our build process, so it

> > exists as searchable static content on our page.

> >

> > Further down the road we will slowly migrate to a front-end javascript

> > framework like Vue / Nuxt or React / Next, where our site will remain

> > mostly static, with JS in the browser talking to back end hosted

> > services.  We already interact directly from the browser with SnipCart

> > for shopping card, order management and payment gateway services.

> >

> > Not sure if that helps explain the problem space a bit better.

> >

> >

> >

> > On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 16:15, Adrian Klaver <

> > <>> wrote:

> >

> >     On 3/27/19 3:48 AM, Tony Shelver wrote:

> >      > Looking for a good tool that I can give to users to enter data (for

> >      > example, products, categories, brands, price tables and so on).

> >      > Preferably it should also allow images to be copied into a bytea

> >     field

> >      > but I know I can't have everything.

> >      >

> >      > Been battling with a few open source 'headless' content management

> >      > systems the last few weeks.  All they really are is a data schema

> >      > designer, an API interface (for the API / database based ones like

> >      > Strapi and Directus), and a content entry front end, along with some

> >      > access management added in.

> >      > And they don't necessarily play well with the DB, or the technology

> >      > stack is something I don't want to deal with.

> >      >

> >      > I figure using PostgREST or Postgraphile or Python Graphene  or

> >     any of

> >      > the dedicated 3rd party REST / GraphQL APIs will probably give as

> >     good

> >      > an API as most of the new content managers,

> >      >

> >      > is a way better schema design tool than what I have

> >     found

> >      > in the CMS systems I have used so far as well.

> >      >

> >      > Data that I would like to store (and edit) is the usual, but also

> >      > images, HTML sections, and markdown.

> >      >

> >      > Any ideas?

> >

> >     I am not really sure from above what you want, so some questions:

> >

> >     1) GUI form interface?

> >          GUI form builder?

> >

> >     2) Enter records one at time or in bulk?

> >

> >     3) Cross platform?

> >          If so what platforms?

> >

> >

> >

> >     --

> >     Adrian Klaver

> > <>

> >



> --

> Adrian Klaver




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