On 2019-05-16 08:48:51 -0700, David G. Johnston wrote:
> On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 8:31 AM Daulat Ram <daulat....@exponential.com> wrote:
>     url_hash        | bigint                  |           | not null |
> Change the type of url_hash; make it text instead of bigint.

Or numeric(38, 0). I think it isn't coincidence that he tries to store
a 38-digit number in it. 

> As a bonus:
> Use text instead of arbitrary varchar(4000) fields and add, e.g., check 
> (length
> (url) < 4000) or something better.
> Needing 38 digit integers for "id" fields seems odd.

I guess the schema was copied from Oracle. In Oracle, all numbers are
really 38 digit decimal floating point numbers and the limit for
varchar2 is 4000.


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