On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 9:36 AM <nigel.ander...@gmx.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just inherited an ancient install of 9.1.17 after our tech guy left,
> on what turns out to be a rapidly dying server and being a total newb to
> PostgreSQL (and not much more advanced on Linux) I'm a little stuck on the
> way ahead.
> I've managed to secure a decent new server for a new install of PostgreSQL
> which runs CentOS 7.6 (Minimal). CentOS 7.6's standard PostgreSQL package
> seems to be 9.2.24 which is obviously no longer supported so probably
> doesn't get us much further ahead in the short term.

Any advice on where to go?

Get a second machine, set it up to be as identical to the existing machine
as you can - aside from it not being near death - and migrate "production"
to it.

Then on the machine described above install v10 and whatever else you need
for staging/testing and then once everything checks out migrate the
production database to the new machine and point production resources to it.

Lastly, but first, consider finding an experienced professional to evaluate
you exact current circumstances and execute the above - or whatever they
recommend.  The first item warrants doing that at the least.  You can delay
deciding on how to approach the second option until after your production
environment is stable.

David J.

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