> On May 16, 2019, at 5:41 PM, Benedict Holland <benedict.m.holl...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am fairly this question has many answers but here it goes:
> I need a tool that can track schema changes in a postgesql database, write
> scripts to alter the tables, and store those changes in git. Are there tools
> that exist that can do this?
If you're looking for something that'll reverse engineer schema change scripts
from a database someone has made ad-hoc changes to ... try and avoid doing that
if at all possible. Use the change scripts in git as the source of truth.
If you do that there are many answers, starting at "it's fairly easy to do
yourself, with a simple schema version and upgrade / downgrade scripts".
Depending on what language you're writing your app in there may be libraries
that can help.
But if you're looking for something standalone, look at https://sqitch.org