On Thu, 2019-05-09 at 04:51 +0000, M Tarkeshwar Rao wrote:
> We would need to integrate Postgres Users Authentication with our own LDAP 
> Server.  
> Basically as of now we are able to login to Postgress DB with a user/password 
> credential.
> [roles "pg_signal_backend" and "postgres"]
> These user objects are the part of Postgres DB server. Now we want that these 
> users should be authenticated by LDAP server.
> We would want the authentication to be done with LDAP, so basically the user 
> credentials should be store in LDAP server
> Can you mention the prescribed steps in Postgres needed for this integration 
> with LDAP Server?

LDAP authentication is well documented:

But I don't think you are on the right track.

"pg_signal_backend" cannot login, it is a role to which you add a login user
to give it certain privileges.  So you don't need to authenticate the role.

"postgres" is the installation superuser.  If security is important for you,
you won't set a password for that user and you won't allow remote logins
with that user.

But for your application users LDAP authentication is a fine thing, and not
hard to set up if you know a little bit about LDAP.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com

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