neeraj kumar <> writes:
> Took some time to get stack trace as we didn't had root permission.
> Attaching stack trace of two process (out of many) stuck for same query
> below[1][2]

Hmm, the line numbers in your stack traces don't agree with either v10
or HEAD branches for me.  But assuming that you've correctly identified
where it's stuck:

> Seems like call is unable to come out of this loop :

the only really obvious theory is that some process left its
st_changecount odd, which would more or less have to imply that
something threw an error between pgstat_increment_changecount_before
and pgstat_increment_changecount_after.  There's only one place
where that seems very plausible, namely pgstat_bestart, which is
doing a rather scary amount of stuff in between.  Are you using
either SSL or GSS?

                        regards, tom lane

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