On 5/7/19 9:25 AM, Rashmi V Bharadwaj wrote:

That query will only give the PostgreSQL database server's IP address right? That is true while we do a remote access to the non-cloud database from another machine also. I want to know if there is anything specific that can be used to determine a cloud environment.


-----"Nicklas Avén" <nicklas.a...@jordogskog.no <mailto:nicklas.a...@jordogskog.no>> wrote: -----
To: Rashmi V Bharadwaj <rvbha...@in.ibm.com <mailto:rvbha...@in.ibm.com>>
From: "Nicklas Avén" <nicklas.a...@jordogskog.no <mailto:nicklas.a...@jordogskog.no>>
Date: 07/05/2019 12:46PM
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS


You can resolv the ip-address

select inet_server_addr();


On 5/7/19 8:27 AM, Rashmi V Bharadwaj wrote:

Is there a SQL query or a database parameter setting that I can use from an external application to determine if the PostgreSQL database is on cloud (like on Amazon RDS or IBM cloud) or on a non-cloud on-prem environment?


Sorry I didn't reply to list last time, and I top posted. I will be banned :-)

Well, that is true that you will get an ip-address in both cases, but in one case the ip-address will point to a cloud server and in the other case to some other server.

What you define as a cloud server is up to you.

I don't fully understand what you are want to get. I mean the postgresql installation doesn't have any definition about what is a cloud server and what is not.

Some vendors probably have some special settings that can be detected, but you can install postresql on any server, hosted by you, a company, a company named Amazon or whatever.

From the ip-address you might be able to find out if it seems to be an rds server.

But I see that it seems to only give the private address in Amazon rds. So then it might be difficult.

So, back to your original question.

I don't think there are anything specific for a cloud installation since a cloud server is just a server like any other server.

If there is something special it is vendor specific.


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