Hi Igal,

One relevant comment I found interesting a couple of years ago...
A New Zealand Govt agency was installing an institutional GIS system (several 
thousand potential users). It supported different back-end spatial databases. 
Previous installs of this system for other clients had used MS SQL Server, this 
was the first that was installed on a Postgres/Postgis back end. 

As it was about to go into action as a live, production system, I was speaking 
to one of the team doing the installation, and asked how they had found working 
with Postgres instead of SQL Server. The reply was worth a few formal 
"It's so easy to connect to and sh*t it's fast!"
Might be a useful comment for your presentation :-) A few years on & it is 
still working fine...

  Brent Wood

    On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 7:21:40 AM GMT+12, Igal Sapir <i...@lucee.org> 
 Next month I'll be making a presentation about Postgres to a SQL Server crowd 
in L.A. at their SQL Saturday event.
I was wondering if anyone has any tips that are specific for SQL Server users?  
Best features?  Known issues?  Common rebuttals?



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