On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 1:49 PM Igal Sapir <i...@lucee.org> wrote:

> Christoph,
> On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 10:44 AM Christoph Moench-Tegeder <
> c...@burggraben.net> wrote:
>> ## Igal Sapir (i...@lucee.org):
>> > My main "issue" is that the official pgjdbc driver does not support the
>> > notifications with listen and I was trying to figure out why.
>> https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/listennotify.html
> I should have been more explicit.  My main issue is with the following
> statement from the link that you posted:
> > A key limitation of the JDBC driver is that it cannot receive
> asynchronous notifications and must poll the backend to check if any
> notifications were issued
> Polling is much less efficient than event handling and I'm sure that
> there's a major performance hit with that.

Isn't that addressed here?:

                // If this thread is the only one that uses the connection,
a timeout can be used to
                // receive notifications immediately:
                // org.postgresql.PGNotification notifications[] =




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