On 04/11/2019 07:40 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 10:28 AM rihad <ri...@mail.ru <mailto:ri...@mail.ru>> wrote:

    Yup, it's just that n_dead_tuples grows by several hundred
    thousand (the
    table sees much much more updates than inserts) and disk usage grows
    constantly between several hour long vacuum runs. Running vacuum full
    isn't an option.

The disk usage doesn't reach a steady state after one or two autovacs?  Or it does, but you are just unhappy about the ratio between the steady state size and the theoretical fully packed size?


Since we dump&restore production DB daily into staging environment, the difference in size (as reported by psql's \l+) is 11GB in a freshly restored DB as opposed to 70GB in production.

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