
i'm doing a lot of updates in my database, but most of them are not
necessary at all (sorry, just detected it)

Therefore i installed a trigger to minimize real updates.

create trigger suppress_redundant_updates_boundaries
   before update on boundaries
   for each row execute procedure suppress_redundant_updates_trigger();

Is there a way to get the count of the real table updates?

Using pl/pgsql i'm updating boundaries  with

                  update boundaries
                     set id             = bT2.id,
                         country        = bT2.country,
                         type           = 'admin',   
                         value          = bT2.value,
                        ,qm             = bT2.qm
                        ,lwqm           =
                   where id = bT2.id;

                   if (found) then
                      if (debug > 0) then raise notice 'real db update
of % done 2', bT2.id; end if;
                      updatedDB := updatedDB + 1;
                   end if;

i get a "wrong" result, because "found" is always true, even when the
records are identical (hope so) and an update should be suppressed by
the trigger.

Question: will "found" be set when update has been blocked by the
trigger - or does that not matter?

if "found" is always true: what else can i do?



My projects:

Admin Boundaries of the World <https://wambachers-osm.website/boundaries>
Missing Boundaries
Emergency Map <https://wambachers-osm.website/emergency>
Postal Code Map (Germany only) <https://wambachers-osm.website/plz>
Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) <https://wambachers-osm.website/fools>
Postcode Boundaries of Germany <https://wambachers-osm.website/pcoundaries>

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