On 2/24/19 2:39 PM, Ken Tanzer wrote:
Hi. I recently installed PG 11.2 on Centos 7, following the excellent
directions at
I wanted to enable data-checksums. I at first tried appending
--data-checksums to the doc-specified command:
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb --data-checksums
but that did not work. After a glance at that script, I was able to do
it with:
export PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS="--data-checksums"
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb
I'm just wondering if there is a more preferred way to do this, and/or
any particular reason you can't pass options to initdb? Also, since the
You can pass options to initdb:
It seems you cannot pass them to the script postgresql-11-setup. That
would be a question for the packagers:
Or you could just use the initdb program directly instead of going
through the script. The caveat being whether that would interfere with
what the script does?
checksums are good for data integrity, and can only be done at init
time, I wonder if it's worth adding a note about it to that
documentation page?
AGENCY Software
A Free Software data system
By and for non-profits
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