Hi, I’m trying to understand how procedures work with transactions. I tried the code below - it’s a simple procedure to print some notices and commit a transaction. If I call it from psql after a `begin`, then it gives an error. What does that error mean? Are procedures not allowed to commit/rollback if they are called within in an outer transaction?
Also, I tried putting a `start transaction` command in the procedure. I got another error: `unsupported transaction command in PL/pgSQL`. Are procedures not allowed to start transactions? Or is there another command? thanks, Rob create or replace procedure t_test(n integer) as $$ begin raise notice 'current isolation level: %', (select current_setting('transaction_isolation')); raise notice 'current txid: %', (select txid_current()); raise notice '---'; commit; raise notice 'current isolation level: %', (select current_setting('transaction_isolation')); raise notice 'current txid: %', (select txid_current()); end; $$ language plpgsql; psql> begin; psql> call t_test(1); NOTICE: current isolation level: read committed NOTICE: current txid: 111490 NOTICE: --- ERROR: invalid transaction termination