On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 6:00 PM github kran <githubk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 3:29 PM Michael Lewis <mle...@entrata.com> wrote:
>> Are default statistics target the same on both prod and AWS? Have you
>> analyzed all tables being used in this query to ensure stats are up proper?
>> If the optimizer is choosing a different plan, then the stats must be
>> different IMO.
>> *Michael Lewis |  Software Engineer*
>> *Entrata*
> Thanks for your reply  I have verified few of the tables and their default
> statistics target and they seem to be same but is there anything in
> particular you want me to look at it to differentiate Prod and Non prod
> databases ?. ( Also the DB instance size is same but there is little
> more data in the Non prod Aurora RDS instance compared to Prod instance).
> Query used.
>>    select * from pg_stats where tablename = 'tableName'
>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 2:15 PM github kran <githubk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Postgres Team,
>>> We are using AWS Aurora RDS Postgres DB 9.6.8 Engine. We recently
>>> deleted few million rows from the database and ran into a issue in one of
>>> our dev account where the
>>> DB was not normal after this deletion. We did re index, vacuuming entire
>>> database but we couldnt bring it to the same state as earlier. So next
>>> steps we deleted the database and
>>> recreated the database by copying the snapshot from a production
>>> instance. Further did vacumming, re-index on the database.
>>> After this now the dev database seems to be in a better state than
>>> earlier but we are seeing few of our DB calls are taking more than 1 minute
>>> when we are fetching data and we observed
>>> this is because the query plan was executing a hash join as part of the
>>> query whereas a similar query on prod instance is not doing any hash join
>>> and is returning faster.
>>> Also we did not want to experiment by modifing the DB settings by doing
>>> enable_hash_join to off or random_page_count to 1 as we dont have these
>>> settings in Prod instance.
>>> Note:
>>> The partition table sizes we have here is between 40 GB to 75 GB and
>>> this is our normal size range, we have a new partition table for every 7
>>> days.
>>> Appreciate your ideas on what we could be missing and what we can
>>> correct here to reduce the query latency.
>>> Thanks
>>> githubKran

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