
I've trying to upgrade a 9.3 instance to 9.5 using pg_upgrade and facing this 
I've found a similar thread, but going from 8.4 to 9.2:

This ended up without really pinpointing the problem as the poster did not 
follow up.
Hopefully I'll have more luck...

I'm posting below more output, here I'll crop the interesting bits.
(don't know if this is pertinent for this discussion but Pg_upgrade complains 
with 2 errors but still executes, and -check turns out ok.
These are:
pg_upgrade: could not start process for command ""D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.
5\bin\pg_upgrade"  -U postgres --jobs=6 -d "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data
" -b "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin" -D "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\d
ata" -B "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin"": error code 193
pg_upgrade: could not re-execute with restricted token: error code 3

What I'm seeing from pg_upgrade:

Restoring database schemas in the new cluster

Consult the last few lines of "pg_upgrade_dump_16393.log" for
the probable cause of the failure.
Failure, exiting

So, looking at the log file, it's not very long, at the end where it blows up:
pg_restore: creating TYPE "sde.se_coord"
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "sde.se_extent"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_out("sde"."se_extent")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_recv("internal")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_send("sde"."se_extent")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "sde.se_extent"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_envelope_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 4712; 1255 1141726 FUNCTION 
st_envelope_in("cstring") sde
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  duplicate key 
value violates unique constraint "pg_type_oid_index"
DETAIL:  Key (oid)=(1142573) already exists.
    Command was: CREATE FUNCTION "sde"."st_envelope_in"("cstring") RETURNS 
    AS 'st_g...
command: "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin/pg_restore" --port 50432 
--username ^"postgres^" --exit-on-error --verbose --dbname ^"dbname^=postgis^" 
"pg_upgrade_dump_16393.custom" >> "pg_upgrade_dump_16393.log" 2>&1

It says it's trying to create function sde.st_envelope_in a 2nd time.

It seems to me that while creating TYPE sde.se_coord (or is it SHELL TYPE 
sde.se_extent?) this function was created.
Right afterwards, when creating TYPE sde.se_extent, the same function is also 
being created, causing the duplicate error...

At least that's my limited understanding...

Can anyone please take a look? I can send any file from the pg_upgrade process.

Many thanks,

Pg_upgrade output:
C:\work\upgrade_postgresql\testes>"D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\pg_upgrad
e" -U postgres --jobs=6 -d "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data" -b "D:\Program
Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin" -D "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\data" -B "D:\Prog
ram Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin"
pg_upgrade: could not start process for command ""D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.
5\bin\pg_upgrade"  -U postgres --jobs=6 -d "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data
" -b "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin" -D "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\d
ata" -B "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin"": error code 193
pg_upgrade: could not re-execute with restricted token: error code 3
Performing Consistency Checks
Checking cluster versions                                   ok
Checking database user is the install user                  ok
Checking database connection settings                       ok
Checking for prepared transactions                          ok
Checking for reg* system OID user data types                ok
Checking for contrib/isn with bigint-passing mismatch       ok
Checking for invalid "line" user columns                    ok
Creating dump of global objects                             ok
Creating dump of database schemas
Checking for presence of required libraries                 ok
Checking database user is the install user                  ok
Checking for prepared transactions                          ok

If pg_upgrade fails after this point, you must re-initdb the
new cluster before continuing.

Performing Upgrade
Analyzing all rows in the new cluster                       ok
Freezing all rows on the new cluster                        ok
Deleting files from new pg_clog                             ok
Copying old pg_clog to new server                           ok
Setting next transaction ID and epoch for new cluster       ok
Deleting files from new pg_multixact/offsets                ok
Copying old pg_multixact/offsets to new server              ok
Deleting files from new pg_multixact/members                ok
Copying old pg_multixact/members to new server              ok
Setting next multixact ID and offset for new cluster        ok
Resetting WAL archives                                      ok
Setting frozenxid and minmxid counters in new cluster       ok
Restoring global objects in the new cluster                 ok
Restoring database schemas in the new cluster

Consult the last few lines of "pg_upgrade_dump_16393.log" for
the probable cause of the failure.
Failure, exiting

Log contents:
command: "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin/pg_dump" --port 50432 --username 
^"postgres^" --schema-only --quote-all-identifiers --binary-upgrade 
--format=custom  --file="pg_upgrade_dump_16393.custom" ^"dbname^=postgis^" >> 
"pg_upgrade_dump_16393.log" 2>&1

pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: creating pg_largeobject "pg_largeobject"
pg_restore: creating pg_largeobject_metadata "pg_largeobject_metadata"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "agdalentejo"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "agdalentejo""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "agdsandre"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "agdsandre""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "ags_rw"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "algas"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "always"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "ciefma"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "dc"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "dcom"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "dgaf"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "diap"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "diap""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "dpci"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "dpea"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "dpea""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "dsi"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "edia"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "gdbman"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "gdbman""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "glc"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "navia"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "portaldados"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "public"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "public""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "qgis"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "regante"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "sde"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "sgp"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "sgp""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "sice"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "sig_owner"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "sig_owner2"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "simarsul"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "sisap"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "smg"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA "smg""
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "telegestao"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "tiger"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "tiger_data"
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "topology"
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "address_standardizer"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "address_standardizer""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "file_fdw"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "file_fdw""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "fuzzystrmatch"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "fuzzystrmatch""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "ogr_fdw"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "ogr_fdw""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "postgis"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "postgis""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "postgis_tiger_geocoder"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "postgis_tiger_geocoder""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "postgis_topology"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "postgis_topology""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "postgres_fdw"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "postgres_fdw""
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "tablefunc"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION "tablefunc""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.addbandarg"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "addbandarg""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.agg_count"
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.raster"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.raster_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.raster_out("public"."raster")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.raster"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "raster""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.agg_samealignment"
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.box2d"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.box2d_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.box2d_out("public"."box2d")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.box2d"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "box2d""
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.box2df"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.box2df_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.box2df_out("public"."box2df")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.box2df"
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.box3d"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.box3d_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.box3d_out("public"."box3d")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.box3d"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "box3d""
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.geography"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geography_analyze("internal")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geography_in("cstring", "oid", integer)"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geography_out("public"."geography")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geography_recv("internal", "oid", 
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geography_send("public"."geography")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geography_typmod_in("cstring"[])"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geography_typmod_out(integer)"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.geography"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "geography""
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.geometry"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geometry_analyze("internal")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geometry_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geometry_out("public"."geometry")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geometry_recv("internal")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geometry_send("public"."geometry")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geometry_typmod_in("cstring"[])"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.geometry_typmod_out(integer)"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.geometry"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "geometry""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.geometry_dump"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "geometry_dump""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.geomval"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "geomval""
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.gidx"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.gidx_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.gidx_out("public"."gidx")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.gidx"
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.pgis_abs"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.pgis_abs_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.pgis_abs_out("public"."pgis_abs")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.pgis_abs"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.rastbandarg"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "rastbandarg""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.reclassarg"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "reclassarg""
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "public.spheroid"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.spheroid_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.spheroid_out("public"."spheroid")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.spheroid"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.summarystats"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "summarystats""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.tablefunc_crosstab_2"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.tablefunc_crosstab_3"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.tablefunc_crosstab_4"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.unionarg"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.TYPE "unionarg""
pg_restore: creating TYPE "public.valid_detail"
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "sde.se_coord"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_coord_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_coord_out("sde"."se_coord")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_coord_recv("internal")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_coord_send("sde"."se_coord")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "sde.se_coord"
pg_restore: creating SHELL TYPE "sde.se_extent"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_out("sde"."se_extent")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_recv("internal")"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_extent_send("sde"."se_extent")"
pg_restore: creating TYPE "sde.se_extent"
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "sde.st_envelope_in("cstring")"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 4712; 1255 1141726 FUNCTION 
st_envelope_in("cstring") sde
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  duplicate key 
value violates unique constraint "pg_type_oid_index"
DETAIL:  Key (oid)=(1142573) already exists.
    Command was: CREATE FUNCTION "sde"."st_envelope_in"("cstring") RETURNS 
    AS 'st_g...
command: "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin/pg_restore" --port 50432 
--username ^"postgres^" --exit-on-error --verbose --dbname ^"dbname^=postgis^" 
"pg_upgrade_dump_16393.custom" >> "pg_upgrade_dump_16393.log" 2>&1

Duarte Carreira
Diretor | Dep. Informa??o Geogr?fica e Cartografia

Tel. +351 284315100


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