Adrian Klaver schrieb am 15.01.2019 um 17:44:
So we end up with something like this:

     select distinct on (C.contact_id) C.contact_id, C.lname, C.fname, 
C.direct_phone, O.org_name, A.next_contact
     from Contacts as C
       join Organizations as O on C.org_id = O.org_id
       join Activities as A on C.contact_id = A.contact_id
     where A.next_contact <= 'today'
       and A.next_contact > '2018-12-31'
     order by c.contact_id, a.next_contact DESC;

And I've never liked this method (though I'm old and crotchety)....

What is the specific objection?

To me:

1) Plus side. It saves an explicit sub-query

2) Minus side. It is not portable. But then complete portability is a unicorn 
in my opinion.

I think Ron was referring to the JOIN operator, rather than the DISTINCT ON

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