On 1/14/19 12:04 PM, Sherrylyn Branchaw wrote:
The above needs more information:

1) Are the dev_* databases on a different cluster?

2) If so did you run:

CREATE ROLE prod_user;
CREATE ROLE prod_and_dev_user;

on that cluster first?

I happened to put them all on the same cluster for my test case, in order to reproduce the unexpected behavior I encountered in the wild, where the prod and dev dbs happened to live on different clusters. In

I don't see how that can work:

test=# \c prod_db
You are now connected to database "prod_db" as user "postgres".
prod_db=# CREATE SCHEMA test;
prod_db=# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA test TO prod_user;


prod_db=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA test TO prod_and_dev_user;


prod_db=# \c dev_db_psql
You are now connected to database "dev_db_psql" as user "postgres".

dev_db_psql=# DROP ROLE prod_user;
ERROR: role "prod_user" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL:  1 object in database prod_db

short, as long as you make sure the /prod_user/ exists on

 the source
cluster at the time when the dump is taken, and doesn't exist on the target cluster when the restore is carried out, you get the behavior I saw.

Also if so:

In the restores below are you sure you are pointed at the same cluster
in each case?

Yes, I am sure. Both for the test case I was creating for the mailing list, and for the script where I first encountered this in the wild. Worked like a charm when I used /psql/, didn't do what I expected when I used /pg_restore/.

What do you see if you do:

pg_restore -f prod_dump_restore.sql prod_dump.bin

and look in prod_dump_res?tore.sql?

This is exactly what I did when I was first trying to figure out what was going on. I see

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA test TO prod_and_dev_user;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA test TO prod_user;

If I then use /psql/ to load /prod_dump_restore.sql/ to a cluster that doesn't have the /prod_user /role, I get the expected behavior (/prod_and_dev_user/ has usage on the schema /test/), because /psql/ treats each of those statements as a separate command. /pg_restore/ seems to treat them as a single command, judging by the error message and the behavior.


Adrian Klaver

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