Rob -   It's a Java based application. We dont have triggers yet on the
table and is trigger a only option in 9.6 version ?.

On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 12:01 PM Rob Sargent <> wrote:

> On 1/9/19 10:21 AM, github kran wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Rob. Reading the below documentation link says the
> EVENT trigger is only supported for DDL commands. Is it not correct ?.
> *1)
> <> *
> (An event trigger fires whenever the event with which it is associated
> occurs in the database in which it is defined. Currently, the only
> supported events are ddl_command_start, ddl_command_end, table_rewrite
>  and sql_drop. Support for additional events may be added in future
> releases.).
> 2) Doesnt the trigger slow down inserts/update we are doing to the table
> ?. Does it slow down if we are reading the data using the API when we have
> a trigger in place ?.
> Ah, right you are.  Are triggers off the table?  You would want to write
> the trigger function in some (trusted?) language with access to the outside

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