Hi Mark,

Can you try setting up stats target for school_id column and analyze table and 
see where it takes, something like:
ALTER table common_student ALTER COLUMN school_id SET STATISTICS 10000;
ANALYZE common_stundent;


From: Mark [mailto:mwchamb...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 11:39 AM
To: pgsql-general@lists.postgresql.org
Subject: Query planner / Analyse statistics bad estimate rows=1 with maximum 
statistics 10000 on PostgreSQL 10.2

Hi All,

I'm seeing some very slow queries and it looks like the query planner is 
deciding to do a 'Nested Loop Left Join'
which is slow.  When I SET enable_nestloop=OFF for testing it does a 'Hash Left 
Join' which is much faster.

I think  I can see the cause of the problem in the examples below. I can't make 
sense of the statistics being written
by ANALYSE or the planners row estimates.

Can anyone help me understand....

- Why the row estimate I get in the query below for school_id = 36 is 1 ?     ( 
I expect it to be higher)
- Why does '1' appear in the most_common_vals when it is actually the least 
common value.
- Why doesn't 36 appear in the most_common_vals (it is more common than 1)
- Does the analyse output below mean that it only scanned 51538 of 65463 rows 
in the table? Is school_id 36 just being missed in the sample? (This happens 
when the analyse is repeated )

Any help with understanding what's happening here would be much appreciated.

I hope I've provided enough information below.



db=> explain analyse select * from common_student  where school_id = 36 ;
                                                                 QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using idx_common_student_sid on common_student  (cost=0.41..8.39 
rows=1 width=385) (actual time=0.264..1.691 rows=1388 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (school_id = 36)
 Planning time: 0.087 ms
 Execution time: 2.706 ms
(4 rows)

db=> select tablename,attname,most_common_vals,histogram_bounds,n_distinct from 
pg_stats where attname='school_id'  and tablename='common_stude
   tablename    |  attname  |                                                   
     | histogram_bounds | n_distinct
 common_student | school_id | 
 |                  |         45
(1 row)

db=> select count(distinct(school_id)) from common_student ;
(1 row)

db=> alter table common_student alter column school_id set statistics 100000;
WARNING:  lowering statistics target to 10000
db=> analyse verbose common_student(school_id);
INFO:  analyzing "public.common_student"
INFO:  "common_student": scanned 7322 of 7322 pages, containing 65463 live rows 
and 49026 dead rows; 51538 rows in sample, 65463 estimated total rows
db=> select tablename,attname,most_common_vals,histogram_bounds,n_distinct from 
pg_stats where attname='school_id'  and tablename='common_stude
   tablename    |  attname  |                                                   
     | histogram_bounds | n_distinct
 common_student | school_id | 
 |                  |         45
(1 row)

db=> explain analyse select * from common_student  where school_id = 36 ;
                                                                 QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using idx_common_student_sid on common_student  (cost=0.41..8.39 
rows=1 width=385) (actual time=0.542..4.022 rows=1388 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (school_id = 36)
 Planning time: 0.334 ms
 Execution time: 6.542 ms
(4 rows)

db=> select school_id, count(*) from common_student  group by school_id order 
by count(*)  limit 6 ;
 school_id | count
         1 |    50
        88 |   161
        53 |   252
        94 |   422
        31 |   434
        68 |   454
(6 rows)

dvpjxbzc=> select school_id, count(*) from common_student where school_id = 36  
group by school_id ;
 school_id | count
        36 |  1388
(1 row)

db=> explain analyse select * from common_student  where school_id = 1 ;
                                                            QUERY PLAN
 Bitmap Heap Scan on common_student  (cost=4.91..243.76 rows=64 width=385) 
(actual time=0.128..0.267 rows=50 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (school_id = 1)
   Heap Blocks: exact=16
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on "unique common_student"  (cost=0.00..4.90 rows=64 
width=0) (actual time=0.110..0.110 rows=50 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (school_id = 1)
 Planning time: 0.177 ms
 Execution time: 0.414 ms
(7 rows)

db=> select VERSION();
 PostgreSQL 10.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.2, 64-bit
(1 row)


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