I tend to believe that a backup (pg_dump) in custom format (-F c) using multiple jobs (parallel) -> restore (pg_restore) also with multiple concurrent jobs would be better.
Am Di., 4. Dez. 2018 um 21:14 Uhr schrieb Rhys A.D. Stewart < rhys.stew...@gmail.com>: > Greetings Folks, > > I have a relatively large table (100m rows) that I want to move to a > new box with more resources. The table isn't doing anything...i.e its > not being updated or read from. Which approach would be faster to move > the data over: > > a). Use pg_fdw and do "create local_table as select * from > foreign_table". > b). setup logical replication between the two servers. > > Regards, > > Rhys > Peace & Love|Live Long & Prosper > > -- El genio es 1% inspiraciĆ³n y 99% transpiraciĆ³n. Thomas Alva Edison http://pglearn.blogspot.mx/