Greetings all, I'm using postgres_fdw and am having a pushdown issue. The TL;DR is that the where clause doesn't get pushed down for the last of the following three queries.
SELECT * FROM service.mrrdr_synth WHERE premises = '1057430'; SELECT * FROM service.mrrdr_synth WHERE reading_val = '8'; SELECT * FROM service.mrrdr_synth WHERE location_capture_time = '2018-10-20 12:02:53.097247-05'::timestamptz; The documentation that I have read doesn't indicate why this would be the case. So looking to figure out why this is happening. The following obtains: Local server version: PostgreSQL 10.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit foreign table DDL: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE service.mrrdr_synth( premises text NULL COLLATE pg_catalog."default", meter_num text NULL COLLATE pg_catalog."default", routeid text NULL COLLATE pg_catalog."default", lineinfo text NULL COLLATE pg_catalog."default", reading_val text NULL COLLATE pg_catalog."default", location_capture_time timestamp without time zone NULL, g geometry NULL ) SERVER "ldceng006-pc" OPTIONS (schema_name 'mrrdr', table_name 'synth'); Foreign server version: PostgreSQL 10.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mrrdr.synth AS SELECT cr.premises, mr.meter_num, cr.routeid, cr.lineinfo, responses.reading_val, responses.location_capture_time, responses.g FROM mrrdr.customer_record cr JOIN mrrdr.meter_record mr USING (premises, routeid) JOIN mrrdr.responses USING (meter_num, routeid) WHERE cr.routeid::text >= '20160701001021'::text WITH DATA; CREATE INDEX synth_g_idx ON mrrdr.synth USING gist (g); CREATE INDEX synth_premises_idx ON mrrdr.synth USING btree (premises COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE INDEX synth_routeid_idx ON mrrdr.synth USING btree (routeid COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE INDEX synth_substring_idx ON mrrdr.synth USING btree ("substring"(routeid::text, 10, 5) COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); The relations in the above query are all materialized views and all those materialized views pull from foreign tables using ogr_fdw, not sure if this is pertinent info. Regards, Rhys Peace & Love|Live Long & Prosper