On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 4:25 AM Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 1:38 AM Torsten Förtsch <tfoertsch...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I am working on restoring a database from a base backup + WAL. With the 
>> default settings the database replays about 3-4 WAL files per second. The 
>> startup process takes about 65% of a CPU and writes data with something 
>> between 50 and 100 MB/sec.
>> Is there a way to speed that up? The disk can easily sustain 400-500 MB/sec.
> WAL replay is single-threaded, so the most you would be able to speed it up 
> is 50%, to where it would be taking 100% CPU.
> Is the time spent not on the CPU being spent waiting for WAL files to arrive 
> from the restore_command, or waiting for the blocks it needs to replay into 
> to get read from disk, or waiting for dirty pages to get written to disk so 
> they can be evicted to make way for new ones?
> One way I found to speed up restore_command is to have another program run a 
> few WAL files ahead of it, copying the WAL from the real archive into a 
> scratch space which is on the same filesystem as pg_xlog/pg_wal.  Then have 
> restore_command simply move (not copy) the requested files from the scratch 
> space onto %p.  The intra-filesystem move completes much faster than a copy.
> If it spends time waiting for blocks that need to be recovered into to get 
> read from disk, and you have enough RAM, you could speed it up by pre-warming 
> the file system cache.  Something like:
> tar -cf - $PGDATA | wc -c

For more targeted prewarming of large systems that don't fit in RAM
and to get all the way into PostgreSQL's buffer pool, I suppose you
could write a small Python/whatever script that extracts the
relfilenode + block references from the output of pg_waldump (one file
ahead, or whatever), sorts and uniques them, merges them into block
ranges, converts the relfilenode reference to relation OID, and then
calls pg_prewarm() for each range.

Thomas Munro

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