There is also this: -bash-4.2$ prlimit -p 6590 RESOURCE DESCRIPTION SOFT HARD UNITS AS address space limit unlimited unlimited bytes CORE max core file size 0 unlimited blocks CPU CPU time unlimited unlimited seconds DATA max data size unlimited unlimited bytes FSIZE max file size unlimited unlimited blocks LOCKS max number of file locks held unlimited unlimited MEMLOCK max locked-in-memory address space 65536 65536 bytes MSGQUEUE max bytes in POSIX mqueues 819200 819200 bytes NICE max nice prio allowed to raise 0 0 NOFILE max number of open files 1024 4096 NPROC max number of processes 4096 59341 RSS max resident set size unlimited unlimited pages RTPRIO max real-time priority 0 0 RTTIME timeout for real-time tasks unlimited unlimited microsecs SIGPENDING max number of pending signals 59341 59341 STACK max stack size 8388608 unlimited bytes
Is it possible that the fact that my stack size is limited is what is causing my issue? Thanks, Greig -- Sent from: