On 9/14/18 11:21 AM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 11:06 AM, Dimitri Maziuk <dmaz...@bmrb.wisc.edu> wrote:
Personally I would like that. Others might prefer an invitation to
unsubscribe or forever hold their peace, I could live with that too, but
I believe explicit opt-ins are preferable to opt-outs.

I think that it's a legitimate position to be opposed to a CoC like
this. I also think it's legitimate to feel so strongly about it, on
philosophical or political grounds, that you are compelled to avoid
participating while subject to the CoC. FWIW, the latter position
seems rather extreme to me personally, but I still respect it.

I understand it.



caused me to quit using Marshmallow in my projects.

In all sincerity, if you're compelled to walk away from participating
in mailing list discussions on a point of principle, then I wish you
well. That is your right.

Adrian Klaver

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