
2018-08-29 7:09 GMT+02:00 Shaun Savage <sava...@taxnvote.org>:

> I have a table with many years as columns. y1976, y2077, .. , y2019,y2020
> I want to dynamically return a column from a function.

no - it is not possible -

the functions should to return exact same set of columns. Teoretically you
can use SETOF RECORD functions and you can specify result in query like

SELECT * FROM fx('xxx') y(c1, c2, c3, ..)

Personally, your design is unahappy - against to ideas of relations
databases. So any native tools will be impossible.

The best what you can is writing query generator and dynamicly create
queries on client side.



> select * from FUNCTION('y2016') .....
> select t1.cola t1.colb, t1.colc, t2.y2016 from ..... Where t2.y2016 != 0;
> or if I select year y2012 I want FUNCTION('y2012')
> select t1.cola t1.colb, t1.colc, t2.y2012 from ..... Where t2.y2012 != 0;
> to generalize
> select * from FUNCTION( year_column )
> select t1.cola t1.colb, t1.colc, t2.year_column from ..... Where
> t2.year_column != 0;
> is it possible? if so how?

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