
I'm having a small problem. The code works but the array cells don't hold
the whole length of *localT1* and *localT2* texts, I think it has something
to do with *int16 typlen* in my set parameters:

ArrayType *array;
Datum elements[2];
int16 typlen;
bool typbyval;
char typalign;

elements[0] = CStringGetDatum(localT1.c_str());
elements[1] = CStringGetDatum(localT2.c_str());

get_typlenbyvalalign(TEXTOID, &typlen, &typbyval, &typalign);
array = construct_array(elements, 2, TEXTOID, typlen, typbyval, typalign);

I can't change the int16 to int32 or int64 because the
get_typlenbyvalalign() function takes an int16. Is there a way to change my
settings so that each input (in this example the *localT1* and *localT2*)
fits fully in each sell?

Best regards,

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