DrakoRod <drakofla...@hotmail.com> writes:
> I've a big problem with a database, is a PostgreSQL 9.6 version on Ubuntu.
> When a tried read some tables (approximately 7 of 1073) show this error: 

> *ERROR: cache lookup failed for function 125940*

> So, I was reading this like data corruption specially the postgresql's
> system catalog . I tried generate a dump but in any case, when I try make a
> database dump or table's dump show this error: 

> *pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR: cache lookup failed for
> function 406

Hmm, perhaps reindexing pg_proc would get you out of trouble?

Also, if that isn't 9.6.10, I'd suggest updating --- we have fixed
some data corruption issues since 9.6.0.

                        regards, tom lane

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