Hi, I've just been running explain analyze on a slow query and came across something new to me - a node type of ProjectSet in the plan. What is that?
The plan is here: https://explain.depesz.com/s/4rqA The query does a cross join of two tables to get every row in one combined with every row in the other, then runs the similarity function to compare text in them. The full query is below, apologies for the different obfuscation to the plan, if that's an issue let me know. Is there an explanation of ProjectSet anywhere? I can't see one with a quick google or search of these archives. Cheers Oliver --- SELECT table1.id, similarity(table2.field1::text, regexp_matches(table1.field3::text, 'product.ame:s*([^-]*)'::text, 'g'::text)::character varying(100000)::text)::double precision AS similarityscore, table1.ourid_g3a11eruac8ct55b, regexp_matches(table1.field3::text, 'product.ame:s*([^-]*)'::text, 'g'::text)::character varying(100000) AS products, table2.field1, table2.field2, table2.abaccount FROM table1, table2 WHERE lower(table2.statusofingredient::text) < '6'::text AND lower(table2.statusofproduct::text) < '5'::text AND table1.fsacreated >= (date_trunc('day'::text, now()) - '30 days'::interval) AND lower(table2.bought::text) = 'bought'::text ORDER BY table1.id DESC NULLS LAST;