We are running Postgres 9.6.9 on RHEL 6.9. We're using built-in streaming
replication, with a WAL archive for fallback purposes. No logical

We recently had a bug in our code accidentally create several hundred
thousand tables in a single database. A batch job started cleaning them up
one at a time (separate transactions), over the course of a couple nights.

But what we noticed the next day was that the 2 standbys to this database
were falling further and further behind. They were no longer streaming,
instead they were recovering from the archive, and they were doing so very

Only a small amount of WAL was generated by the DROP TABLEs, relative to
normal traffic, but the time to recover a single WAL file sometimes took
over a minute, compared to 1 second normally. Meanwhile, new WALs were
being generated by regular user traffic, and the database got 24 hours
behind and getting worse, before we resynced the standbys, in order to not
have to replay the WALs. That did the trick. But it seemed like this
performance drop was drastic enough to be worth reporting.

I was able to reproduce the slow recovery time of WALs generated by DROP
TABLE on a pair of test servers.

Normal writes (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE TABLE) generated WAL files
that were recoverable on the order of 1 second each. The standby never fell
behind, even when hundreds of WAL files were generated quickly. But when I
generated WALs exclusively from DROP TABLE, it took 20-80 seconds to
recover each one.

Some benchmarks:

For 10 minutes, I issued a bunch of rapid-fire INSERT statements to
server1, the primary. These generated 144 WAL files. At the end of the 10
minutes, server2, the standby, had already recovered 143 of them and
immediately completed the last one.

For 10 minutes, I issued a bunch of rapid-fire DROP TABLE statements to
server1, the primary. These generated 28 WAL files. At the end of the 10
minutes, server2, the standby, had only recovered 16 of them.

My expectation is that replaying binary changes on a standby should be at
least as fast and sometimes faster than generating them locally. This is
because when a logical command like "DROP TABLE" or "INSERT" is issued on a
primary, the database has to check for dependencies, satisfy constraints,
etc. But once all those decisions are made on the primary, the binary
changes should be replayable much faster on the standby.

For example, server1, the primary in my test pair, has significantly better
hardware than server2, the standby. If server2 is keeping up with server1
in replication, I predict that server2 should be able to get through the
same amount of writes faster as a replica than as a standalone.

This expectation was borne out in my testing for INSERTs but not DROP
TABLEs, per the following benchmarks.

I issued 9,000,000 INSERTs to server1, the primary. It took 10 minutes to
complete these. At the end of the 10 minutes, server2, the standby, was
caught up. When I made server2 a standalone, it took 15 minutes to get
through the same 9,000,000 INSERTs. In conclusion, being a standalone was
50% slower for server2 when it came to INSERT.

I issued 100,000 DROP TABLEs to server1, the primary. It took 10 minutes to
complete these on server 1, and 20 minutes for server2, the standby, to
catch up. When I made server2 a standalone, it took 18 minutes to get
through the same 100,000 DROP TABLEs. In conclusion, being a standalone was
10% faster for server2 when it came to DROP TABLE.

It seems that there is something especially inefficient about WAL files
generated by DROP TABLE, or the process of recovering them.

I also want to mention that recovering a WAL file generated by DROP TABLE
commands consistently takes approximately 100% CPU on the standby, both in
testing and in prod. In prod, we also saw high memory use for that process.

The standby with 128 GB of RAM showed this:


23279 postgres  20   0 57.0g  50g 5.1g R 100.0 40.0   1723:15 postgres:
startup process   recovering 00000002000003B10000008D

The standby with 32 GB of RAM crashed overnight with an out-of-memory error.

When I restarted the servers and let them resume recovering WALs, I watched
%MEM and RES grow slowly and steadily before I gave up and resynced. No
memory appeared to be freed up after each WAL file was replayed.

I was not able to reproduce memory usage getting quite this high in the
time I was allotted for testing, but I did witness steady climbing up to
almost 20%, especially when I mixed DROP TABLEs with regular writes. I
suspect there is a sweet (or bitter?) spot of write activity we hit in our
prod workload that I was unable to reproduce in testing.

I'm not sure if this is the right mailing list to report this behavior to,
but I thought it was the best place to start. Let me know if there's any
other information I should provide, or if I should send it to another list.


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