On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 12:26 PM Ravi Krishna <srkris...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> https://fle.github.io/temporarily-disable-all-indexes-of-a-postgresql-table.html
> This does not work in RDS.  In order to update system catalog tables
> (pg_index), one needs privileges which is
> denied in RDS. In RDS terminology, the user must belong to role rdsadmin
> and that role is reserved only for AWS
> internal users.

Right, but pl/pgsql works fine there, so you can backup&drop all indexes
and then restore them using `do $$ ... $$ language plpgsql;`, as Thomas
Kellerer already suggested.

One note here: there is some old confusion between concepts of unique
indexes and unique constraints in Postgres (see
so there is a chance that after such backup/restore procedure you'll get
logically correct but phisically different state.

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