2018-07-06 11:45 GMT+02:00 Brahmam Eswar <brahmam1...@gmail.com>:

> Hi All,
> My request is simple,
> Just browse the results from a table into an array and loop through array
> results to find out to unnecessary records and delete them based on certain
> business conditions and print the rest of the records.
> Below are the array results from table.
>  {"(20310,https://google.com,AP,BR,,Y)","(20310,https://google.com
> ,AP,,,N)","(20311,https://google.com,AP,,,N)"}
> Tried to apply the Unnest on array results but giving an error  at
> "https://"; .
> Can we iterate over unnest records?

sure - it is relation like any other.

Can you send test case?

> On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 1:56 PM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> 2018-07-06 10:19 GMT+02:00 Charles Clavadetscher <
>> clavadetsc...@swisspug.org>:
>>> Hi
>>> *From:* Brahmam Eswar [mailto:brahmam1...@gmail.com]
>>> *Sent:* Freitag, 6. Juli 2018 09:50
>>> *To:* pgsql-general <pgsql-gene...@postgresql.org>;
>>> pgsql-hack...@postgresql.org
>>> *Subject:* How to remove elements from array .
>>> Hi ,
>>> I tried to use array_remove to remove elements from an array but it's
>>> saying function doesn't exist . I'm able to use other array functions.
>>> 1) Capture the results with multiple columns into array .
>>> 2)  if ay results exist then loop through an array to find out the
>>> record with col1='Y'
>>> 3)  If col1='Y' then get the respective value of Col2 (10) and delete
>>> the similar records of col2 if exist.
>>> Col1    Col2
>>>  Y         10
>>>  N         20
>>> N          10
>>> Need to delete record1 and record3.To delete the array records i'm using
>>> array_remove but it says doesn't exist.
>>> Version pgadmin4 .
>>> Snippet :-
>>> (
>>>           << List of elements >>
>>> ) AS $$
>>>           TEST_CODES record1 ARRAY;
>>>           TEMP_REF_VALUE VARCHAR(4000);
>>>         IS_VALID := 'S';
>>>                       SELECT ARRAY
>>>                          (SELECT ROW(Col1,Col2,COl3,Col4) ::record1
>>>                           FROM table1  INTO TEST_CODES
>>>                       IF array_length(TEST_CODES, 1) > 0 THEN
>>>                       FOR indx IN array_lower(TEST_CODES,
>>> 1)..array_upper(TEST_CODES, 1) LOOP
>>>                            IF TEST_CODES[indx].COL1 = 'Y' THEN
>>>                                   TEMP_REF_VALUE:=TEST_CODES[indx].Col2;
>>>                                   TEST_CODES :=
>>> array_remove(TEST_CODES,TEMP_REF_VALUE);
>>>                                   END IF;
>>>                          END Loop;
>>>         END IF;
>>> --
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> Brahmeswara Rao J.
>>> I am not so in clear why you are using arrays in a function for that.
>>> A solution with SQL would be:
>> I don't understand to the request too.
>>> CREATE TABLE tst (
>>>   col1 text,
>>>   col2 integer
>>> );
>> Attention - temp table are expensive in Postgres (mainly for higher
>> load), so what can be done simply with arrays should be done with arrays.
>> Regards
>> Pavel
>>> INSERT INTO tst VALUES ('Y', 10), ('N', 20), ('N', 10);
>>> SELECT * FROM tst;
>>> col1 | col2
>>> ------+------
>>> Y    |   10
>>> N    |   20
>>> N    |   10
>>> (3 rows)
>>> DELETE FROM tst t
>>>        WHERE col1 = 'Y') AS x
>>> WHERE t.col2 = x.col2;
>>> SELECT * FROM tst;
>>> col1 | col2
>>> ------+------
>>> N    |   20
>>> (1 row)
>>> Regards
>>> Charles
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Brahmeswara Rao J.

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