On 07/05/2018 08:30 AM, Hellmuth Vargas wrote:
select ($$[$$|| to_char(min(n.dato),'YYYY-MM-DD') || $$,$$ ||
to_char(max(n.dato),'YYYY-MM-DD') || $$]$$)::daterange,
from (
select u.dato,anterior,(u.dato-anterior)::interval,sum(case when
anterior is null or (u.dato -anterior)::interval='1 day'::interval then
0 else 1 end) over(order by u.dato) as grupo
from (
select u.dato, lag(u.dato) over( order by u.dato) as anterior,
lead(u.dato) over( order by u.dato)
from (
select * from generate_series(lower('[2018-01-01,
2018-01-31]'::daterange),upper('[2018-01-01, 2018-01-31]'::daterange),'1
day'::interval) as a(dato)
select generate_series(lower(a.dato),upper(a.dato),'1 day'::interval)
as a(dato)
) as u order by u.dato
) as u
) as n
group by grupo
order by 1
daterange | daterange
[2018-01-01,2018-01-04) | [2018-01-01,2018-01-03)
[2018-01-08,2018-01-09) | empty
[2018-01-14,2018-01-18) | [2018-01-14,2018-01-17)
[2018-01-21,2018-02-02) | [2018-01-21,2018-02-01)
(4 rows)
Interesting but I am not sure this is working as the OP wants. If I am
following the excluded ranges from your query are:
From what I understand the OP wants, the returned periods should be:
Adrian Klaver