I read it many times but I'am not entirely familiar with concepts of range
table and I'am not sure to fully understant all implications.
For now I have a workaround by parsing only plan's target list and by
checking if resorigtbl is equal to oid of my table. The main drawback is
that I can't detect column if it is used in a function or an aggregator.
Thanks anyway for your help.

Le mar. 3 juil. 2018 à 12:38, Laurenz Albe <laurenz.a...@cybertec.at> a
écrit :

> Mathieu PUJOL wrote:
> > I understand that I should also use varno to check which table is
> referenced by varattno. In case of Join, aggregation, etc. Sometimes I get
> a number or INNER_VAR or OUTER_VAR.
> > I am lost on how i could resolve this.
> > I understand that OUTER_VAR/INNER_VAR are related to joins sub plans. Is
> outer related to left plan and inner to right plan ? In this case varattno
> is index of target list of subplan ?
> > When varno is an index how to retrieve table info ?
> I have no deep understanding of these things.
> Maybe the following comment from include/nodes/primnodes.h can help:
> /*
>  * Var - expression node representing a variable (ie, a table column)
>  *
>  * Note: during parsing/planning, varnoold/varoattno are always just copies
>  * of varno/varattno.  At the tail end of planning, Var nodes appearing in
>  * upper-level plan nodes are reassigned to point to the outputs of their
>  * subplans; for example, in a join node varno becomes INNER_VAR or
>  * and varattno becomes the index of the proper element of that subplan's
>  * target list.  Similarly, INDEX_VAR is used to identify Vars that
> reference
>  * an index column rather than a heap column.  (In ForeignScan and
> CustomScan
>  * plan nodes, INDEX_VAR is abused to signify references to columns of a
>  * custom scan tuple type.)  In all these cases, varnoold/varoattno hold
> the
>  * original values.  The code doesn't really need varnoold/varoattno, but
> they
>  * are very useful for debugging and interpreting completed plans, so we
> keep
>  * them around.
>  */
> #define    INNER_VAR        65000   /* reference to inner subplan */
> #define    OUTER_VAR        65001   /* reference to outer subplan */
> #define    INDEX_VAR        65002   /* reference to index column */
> #define IS_SPECIAL_VARNO(varno)     ((varno) >= INNER_VAR)
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
> --
> Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com

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