On 06/29/2018 09:29 AM, Tracy Babiasz wrote:
Hi Adrian. Thanks for the response. I'm not sure how else to explain it. The
report executes fine in the query tool and gives me about 300 lines in data
output. It even appears to export fine. I click on the download button and open
in Excel, but I get the statements I copied below. The statement is slightly
different if I remove the comment statements within the script. If, instead of
opening in Excel, I save the file and give it a name, I have a csv file to
open. But the file is only 1KB, and if you open it, you see the statements I
copied below, rather than the results of the report.
Does that make sense?
Well I can replicate it so, yes.
Using pgAdmin4 3.1.
My 'report':
CREATE table tmp_test(id integer, fld_1 varchar);
select * from cell_per;
The error I get when doing the export:
postgres-2018-06-29 12:39:16.349 PDT-0ERROR: syntax error at or near
"DROP" at character 55
postgres-2018-06-29 12:39:16.349 PDT-0STATEMENT: DECLARE
CREATE table tmp_test(id integer, fld_1 varchar);
select * from cell_per;
Looks like pgAdmin4 is running all the queries using a declared
cursor(https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/sql-declare.html). This
fails because the CURSOR can only take a SELECT or VALUES as the query.
The DROP TABLE will not work with a CURSOR.
To me it looks like a bug. I would file an issue here:
You will need a Postgres community account to access the issue tracker.
If you do not have one there will be instructions on how to set one up
when you click on the link above.
For now what seems to work is to open another tab and then open another
Query Tool. In that Tool do the DROP TABLE/CREATE TABLE and then in the
other Tool do the SELECT and export from there.
Tracy Babiasz
Acquisitions and Collections Manager
Chapel Hill Public Library
100 Library Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phone: 919-969-2032 |Fax: 919-968-2838
Sparking Curiosity. Inspiring Learning. Creating Connections.
Adrian Klaver