On 05/25/2018 01:03 PM, Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:
Hey all,

I'm with the Discourse.org team and I'm just here to ask if anyone would be interested in having a read-only Discourse mirror of the PostgreSQL mailing list.

Since it's read-only it would only be used for things like:

  * Fast search with advanced filters (Discourse puts PostgreSQL full
    text search to good use!)
  * All active lists aggregated into one feed, but also available as
    individual categories that can be tracked/watched.
  * Single-page topics, easier to read on mobile for the young'uns.

If our mirror archive gets enough traction we'd like to make it possible to sign up to the forum and seamlessly interact with the mailing list,

Well 'seamlessly works' would be the important part. In the past when this was tried(can't remember the who) the posts lagged noticeably and content went missing.

provided it's something the community actually wants of course. We're doing a similar experiment with the ruby-talk mailing list, which you can see being tested  at https://rubytalk.org/.

Lemme know if there's any interest, and thanks to everyone involved in PostgreSQL for an outstanding piece of software!



Adrian Klaver

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