> On Mar 27, 2018, at 6:49 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> writes:
>> On 03/27/2018 04:07 PM, armand pirvu wrote:
>>> As long as the connection stays up yes data gets fine across
>>> In pg_stat_activity I see the node ip address where tail -f piped into psql 
>>> happens
>> So what does the rest of that record show? In particular for:
> I wonder how often data gets put into the pipe.  If it's "not very often",
> maybe the connection from psql to the server is timing out due to
> inactivity?  This would be the fault of a firewall or something in
> between.  You could probably fix it by enabling (more aggressive) TCP
> keepalive settings.
>                       regards, tom lane

Well there is no flow pattern, The flow can be inexistent for days , even weeks 
and then it can get super busy

The data flows as expected well untill the connection gets dropped. Bolded from 
pg_stat_activity (a test I just did)

birstdb=# select datname, pid, client_addr, client_port, backend_start, 
query_start, state from pg_stat_Activity;
 datname |  pid  |  client_addr  | client_port |         backend_start         
|          query_start          | state  
 birstdb | 10046 |               |          -1 | 2018-03-27 20:40:11.721804-05 
| 2018-03-27 20:47:27.118434-05 | active
 birstdb | 10082 | |       55859 | 2018-03-27 20:43:55.301216-05 
| 2018-03-27 20:46:07.190064-05 | idle

ps -fu armandp
     UID   PID  PPID   C    STIME TTY         TIME CMD
 armandp  3264  3263   0 20:39:13 pts/2       0:00 tail -f 
 armandp  3265  3263   0 20:39:13 pts/2       0:00 psql -U csidba -d birstdb -h

Give it about 10 min at most and  bam out it goes

birstdb=# select datname, pid, client_addr, client_port, backend_start, 
query_start, state from pg_stat_Activity;
 datname |  pid  | client_addr | client_port |         backend_start         |  
        query_start          | state  
 birstdb | 10208 |             |          -1 | 2018-03-27 20:51:25.835382-05 | 
2018-03-27 21:08:47.164249-05 | active

Although the above two processes are still out 

I think the tcp keep alives might help but I am also thinking like a each min 
check maybe and if things got in the pipe well dump ‘em to Postgres. Something 
along these lines

Any ideas/suggestions you might have to improve this ? I am not saying it is 
perfect far from it, but I kinda took the model/idea from the Nagios named pipe 
only that one too runs at x seconds/minutes interval defined

Thank you both
— Armand

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