I want to compare the performance of some queries so I created those tables:
*CREATE TABLE reservation1 (room int, name varchar(255), during daterange);CREATE TABLE reservation2 (room int, name varchar(255), start_date date, end_date date);* then: *INSERT INTO public.reservation1(name, room, during) select concat('room ', a), a, '[2010-01-01, 2010-04-02)' from generate_series(1,10000000) as a;INSERT INTO public.reservation2(name, room, start_date, end_date) select concat('room ', a), a, '2010-01-01', '2010-04-02' from generate_series(1,10000000) as a;* I create an index for during column: *CREATE INDEX reservation1_idx ON reservation1 USING GIST (during);* I'm using the operator contains (@>) and overlaps (&&): *select * from reservation1 where during @> '[2010-02-15,2010-03-02)';select * from reservation1 where during && '[2010-02-15,2010-03-02)'; * And I got such result time: * 25s* However when I use this query: *select * from reservation2 where ('2010-02-15' between start_date and end_date) and ('2010-03-02' between start_date and end_date);* The result time was: * 9s.* I understand that the index does not have any effect when the amount of fetched data was huge and the query planner used the seq scan method. I want to know if it is not recommended to use rang types and operator to get good performance or should I add something to the queries to be faster?