>I guess with your query I can figure out which connection holds a lock,
but it seems I cannot correlate those locks to the rows which actually are
locked, since pg_locks seems not to reference this in any way.


*FWIW, I really don't understand your need to identify the actual rows that
are locked. Once you have identified the query that is causing a block
(which is usually due to "Idle in Transaction"), AFAIK the only way to
remedy the problem is to kill the offending query, or wait for it to
complete. I am not aware of any way available to a user to "unlock"
individual rows". Indeed, if you could, it would probably lead to
corruption of some form.*

*BTW, the query I provided WILL work in version 10.  The commented section
was for v9.1 and prior, as "someone" felt it necessary to rename some
fields in pg_stat_activity*

*and remove/replace another field. Hopefully they will refrain from doing
so in the future, as it breaks queries and applications.*

*Melvin Davidson*
*Maj. Database & Exploration Specialist*
*Universe Exploration Command – UXC*
Employment by invitation only!

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