On 03/01/2018 02:44 PM, Daevor The Devoted wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 10:32 PM, David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com <mailto:david.g.johns...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 1:24 PM, Ron Johnson <ron.l.john...@cox.net

        Why have the overhead of a second unique index?  If it's "ease of
        joins", then I agree with Francisco Olarte and use the business
        logic keys in your joins even though it's a bit of extra work.

    ​The strongest case, for me, when a surrogate key is highly desirable
    is when there is no truly natural key and the best key for the model
    is potentially alterable.  Specific, the "name" of something.  If I
    add myself to a database and make name unique, so David Johnston, then
    someone else comes along with the same name and now I want to add the
    new person as, say David A. Johnston AND rename my existing record to
    David G. Johnston.  I keep the needed uniqueness ​and don't need to
    cobble together other data elements.  Or, if I were to use email
    address as the key the same physical entity can now change their
    address without me having to cascade update all FK instances too.
    Avoiding the FK cascade when enforcing a non-ideal PK is a major good
    reason to assign a surrogate.

    David J.

This is exactly my point: you cannot know when a Business Rule is going to change. Consider, for example, your Social Security number (or ID number as we call it in South Africa). This is unique, right?.

No, the SSN is not unique. https://www.computerworld.com/article/2552992/it-management/not-so-unique.html

Tomorrow, however, data of people from multiple countries gets added to your DB, and BAM! that ID number is suddenly no longer unique. Business Rules can and do change, and we do not know what may change in the future. Hence, it is safest to have the surrogate in place from the start, and avoid the potential migraine later on.

Disclaimer: this is just my opinion based on my experience (and the pain I had to go through when Business Rules changed). I have not done any research or conducted any studies on this.

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