Hi Jacek,

On Mon, 26 Feb 2018 11:44:13 +0100
Łukasz Jarych <jarys...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> i would like to ask you for help with track changes to my database.
> I am new to PosgtreeSQL but i have to learn it quickly because of my boss.
> I have to:
> 1. Keep all changes within table including:
> -adding rows
> -deleting
> -editing
> 2. Save table with specific state and recover specific state (so go back to
> previous table versions) including comparing tables.

depending on your requirements and implementation of these, you might want to
have a look at "Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in
SQL" (https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/people/rts/tdbbook.pdf). It is quite thick
with 530 pages, but it helped me wrap around my head on a similar
requirement. It describes the challenges with tracking and managing these
kinds of changes as well as solutions together with SQL examples.



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