Thanks for your response

> Does any of the two tables have triggers?

Yes the ticket table has a trigger that inserts changes into a ticketstatuslog 
table when the ticket.status column changes and on insert.

    ticket_status_insert_trigger AFTER INSERT ON ticket FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE 
PROCEDURE ticket_status_trigger_function()
    ticket_status_update_trigger AFTER UPDATE OF ticketstatus ON ticket FOR 
EACH ROW WHEN (old.ticketstatus <> new.ticketstatus) EXECUTE PROCEDURE 

> What's the database / transaction isolation level?

Both read committed

> Do the updates run in a transaction among other read / write operations 
> within the same transaction ?

Yes they will both have many reads and writes before running the deadlocking 


-- David


 <>David Wheeler • software engineer
Inomial Pty Ltd • Automatic Billing <>
p +61 3 9663 3554

<> <>
> On 19 Feb 2018, at 4:43 pm, Rene Romero Benavides <> 
> wrote:
> Hi. Does any of the two tables have triggers? What's the database / 
> transaction isolation level? Do the updates run in a transaction among other 
> read / write operations within the same transaction ?
> Regards.
> 2018-02-18 23:28 GMT-06:00 David Wheeler < 
> <>>:
> Hi,
> We’re seeing deadlock semi-regularly (0-2 per day) that I’m really having 
> trouble getting to the bottom of. 
> Process 7172 waits for ShareLock on transaction 4078724272 
> <tel:(407)%20872-4272>; blocked by process 7186.
> Process 7186 waits for ShareLock on transaction 4078724210 
> <tel:(407)%20872-4210>; blocked by process 7172.
> The two queries in question are updates on unrelated tables. Running the 
> queries on their own shows no overlapping entries in pg_locks. 
> Process 7172: update ticket set unread = true where ticketid = $1
> Process 7186: update "planscheduleitem" set "planschedule"=$1 where "psi"=$2
> How can I work out why Postgres has decided that the two processes are in 
> deadlock? Is there an explainer somewhere on transaction level locks? I can’t 
> see anything in the docs besides that they exist. 
> Details below
> select version();
>                                                               version
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  PostgreSQL 10.2 (Ubuntu 10.2-1.pgdg14.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled 
> by gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4, 64-bit
> (1 row)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> after running update "planscheduleitem" set "planschedule"=$1 where "psi"=$2
> SELECT locktype, virtualxid, transactionid, virtualtransaction, pid, mode, 
> relname, page, tuple
> FROM pg_locks LEFT JOIN pg_class ON (relation=oid) where pid =41715;
>    locktype    | virtualxid | transactionid | virtualtransaction |  pid  |    
>    mode       |         relname         | page | tuple
> ---------------+------------+---------------+--------------------+-------+------------------+-------------------------+------+-------
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_parentticketid   |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_originalticketid |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_tickettypeid_idx |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_subject_idx      |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_closedtime_idx   |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_assignedto_idx   |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_serviceuid_idx   |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_parentuid_idx    |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_createdtime_idx  |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_txid             |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_tickettype       |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_ticketpriority   |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_idx_0            |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_pkey             |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | number_constraint       |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket                  |      |
>  virtualxid    | 56/2306863 |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> ExclusiveLock    |                         |      |
>  transactionid |            |    4089785154 <tel:(408)%20978-5154> | 
> 56/2306863         | 41715 | ExclusiveLock    |                         |     
>  |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306863         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | ticket_fromuid_idx      |      |
> (19 rows)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> after running update ticket set unread = true where ticketid = $1
> SELECT locktype, virtualxid, transactionid, virtualtransaction, pid, mode, 
> relname, page, tuple
> FROM pg_locks LEFT JOIN pg_class ON (relation=oid) where pid =41715;
>    locktype    | virtualxid | transactionid | virtualtransaction |  pid  |    
>    mode       |               relname                | page | tuple
> ---------------+------------+---------------+--------------------+-------+------------------+--------------------------------------+------+-------
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306861         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | planscheduleitem_plan_company_idx    |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306861         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | psi_uid_startdate                    |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306861         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | psi_planschedule_startdate_starttime |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306861         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | planscheduleitem_pkey                |      |
>  relation      |            |               | 56/2306861         | 41715 | 
> RowExclusiveLock | planscheduleitem                     |      |
>  virtualxid    | 56/2306861 |               | 56/2306861         | 41715 | 
> ExclusiveLock    |                                      |      |
>  transactionid |            |    4089783283 <tel:(408)%20978-3283> | 
> 56/2306861         | 41715 | ExclusiveLock    |                               
>        |      |
> (7 rows)
> Cheers, 
> -- David
> <PastedGraphic-4.tiff> <>
>  <>David Wheeler • software engineer
> Inomial Pty Ltd • Automatic Billing <>
> p +61 3 9663 3554 <tel:+61%203%209663%203554>
> <PastedGraphic-2.tiff> 
> <><PastedGraphic-1.tiff> 
> <><PastedGraphic-3.tiff> 
> <> <>
> -- 
> El genio es 1% inspiración y 99% transpiración.
> Thomas Alva Edison
> <>

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