Hi everybody, I published a tool that makes it easy to migrate a database from other DBMSs to Postgres: https://github.com/isapir/Migrate2Postgres
Currently it supports migrations from MS SQL Server, but it is written in a way that will make it easy to migrate from other DBMSs as well. I also published a video (didn't spend too much time editing it, sorry) with an overview and a demo of migrating the AdventureWorld database, which is one of the MS SQL Server sample databases. The migration itself takes about a minute. The overview of the tool and the explanations take longer: https://youtu.be/5eF9_UB73TI For the impatient, this is the point in the video where I start using the tool (so you can watch that first and then later watch the overview and the configuration options from the beginning); https://youtu.be/5eF9_UB73TI?t=9m51s Feedback welcome! Thank you, Igal