
unfortunately id did not help
On 06.02.2018 18:29, Murtuza Zabuawala wrote:
Add following in your pg_hba.conf,

host all             all    <>0md5

restart your Postgres database server and try to connect again from pgAdmin4.
from pgadmin3 I can connect

any more ideas?
On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 10:54 PM, robert rottermann < <>>wrote:

    Hi there,

    I have installed pgadmin4 locally using its docker image.

    this i did running the following command:

    docker run -p 80:80 -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin" -e
    "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin" -d dpage/pgadmin4

    I then could access it and log into it.

    However all my attempts end in:

    Unable to connect to server:

    could not connect to server: Connection refused
    Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
    TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
    could not connect to server: Connection refused
    Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
    TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

    can anybody give me a hint, what to do?



    in /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf

    i have:


    # - Connection Settings -

    listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;
              # comma-separated list of addresses;

    and this is my /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf

    # If you change this first entry you will need to make sure that the
    # database superuser can access the database using some other method.
    # Noninteractive access to all databases is required during automatic
    # maintenance (custom daily cronjobs, replication, and similar tasks).
    # Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
    local   all             postgres peer

    # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS METHOD

    # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
    local   all             all trust
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all             all <> trust
    # IPv6 local connections:
    host    all             all             ::1/128 trust
    # Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
    # replication privilege.
    local   replication     all peer
    host    replication     all <> md5
    host    replication     all             ::1/128 md5

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