Hi, Getting below error—
exec] Flyway (Command-line Tool) v.1.1 [exec] [exec] Metadata table created: schema_version [exec] Schema initialized with version: 0 [exec] Flyway (Command-line Tool) v.1.1 [exec] [exec] ValidationException: Found non-empty schema without metadata table! Use init() first to initialise the metadata table. It stuck when going to execute below configuration in ant build.xml for migrate db(populate tables into schema abc)— <exec executable="./${flyway_sh}" dir="flyway-commandline-1.1"> <arg value="-driver=${flyway_driver}" /> <arg value="-url=${jdbc_db_url}" /> <arg value="-user=${xxxx.username}" /> <arg value="-password=${xxxx.password}" /> <!-- <arg value="-Dflyway.baselineOnMigrate='true'" />--> <arg value="init" /> <arg value="-Dflyway.initialVersion=xxxxxx” /> <arg value="-Dflyway.initialDescription='Base version'" /> </exec> <exec executable="./${flyway_sh}" dir="flyway-commandline-1.1" failonerror="true"> <arg value="-driver=${flyway_driver}" /> <arg value="-url=${jdbc_db_url}" /> <arg value="-user=${xxxx.username}" /> <arg value="-password=${xxxx.password}" /> <arg value="-Dflyway.schemas=‘abc'" /> <arg value="migrate" /> </exec> abc schema is created properly registered with abc user. <arg value="-Dflyway.baselineOnMigrate='true'" /> didn’t solve the problem What need to be change here. Thanks