On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 9:42 PM, Abhra Kar <abhra....@gmail.com> wrote:

> *sudo **-u** postgres createdb ABC*
> *su **-c* *"**psql -d ABC**"*
> *if [* *$3* *==* *'xxxxx'* *]*
> *then*
> *su **-c* *"**psql -c **\"**grant all privileges on database ABC** to
> xxxx**\"**"** postgres*
> *su **-c* *"**psql -c **\"**create schema authorization xxxx**\"**"**
> postgres*
> *else*
> *su **-c* *"**psql -c **\"**grant all privileges on database ABC to yyyy*
> *\"**"** postgres*
> *su **-c* *"**psql -c **\"**create schema authorization xxxx**\"**"*
> * postgres*
> *fi*
> Hi Melvin,
>                   I executed the above script but xxxx schema created with
> in postgres db not with in ABC db. And in terminal didn't show the message
> connected to ABC database.  What is wrong I am doing here?
> Regards,
> Abhra
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 7:48 AM, Melvin Davidson <melvin6...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 9:09 PM, Abhra Kar <abhra....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>    I have to write script for psql in a xyz.sh file which should create
>>> a schema in a specific data.In psql prompt I achieve it like --
>>> postgres=# \c ABC
>>> ABC=# create schema authorization myschema
>>>      In xyz.sh I executed the following script ---
>>> *su -c "psql -c \"\c ABC  \"" postgres*
>>> *su -c "psql -c \"create schema authorization myschema\"" postgres*
>>> In the terminal got message “connected to ABC database”. But schema
>>> created with in postgres database not with in ABC database.
>>> What should be the proper script ?
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Abhra
>> *> But schema created with in postgres database not with in ABC database.
>> *
>> *Just specify the database in the command line:*
>> *EG: su -c "psql -d ABC"*
>> --
>> *Melvin Davidson*
>> I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
>> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

*> I executed the above script but xxxx schema created with in postgres db
not with in ABC db ...*

*1. Please do not top post. The convention is to bottom post in this list.*

*2. You code is not a proper bash script. I suggest you google how to write
bash scripts as this list is*

*    is for PostgreSQL help, not bash*

*3.  You are just submitting MULTIPLE psql commands. You need to just start
the psql session, then *

*     submit all additional commands inside the psql session.*

*EG: psql -d somedb*       *grant all privileges on database ABC** to xxxx*

*       ....*

*       \q*
*Melvin Davidson*
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

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